Exciting news!
My forthcoming book, "A Third Space: A Nonconformist's Guide to the Universe," is on the horizon! Stay tuned for this must-read guide to exploring the world through a nonconformist lens.
Manifest: Transitional Wisdom on Male Privilege
Editors: Megan Rohrer & Zander Keig
A diverse collection of writings about male privilege from a trans male perspective. Evocative, provocative, and informative, this book provides a new lens to explore feminism, gender, and transgender advocacy.
Manning Up: Transsexual Men on Finding Brotherhood, Family & Themselves
Editors: Zander Keig & Mitch Kellaway
Twenty-seven men who transitioned from female to male discussed their roles as male community members: fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, friends, and mentors.
Letters For My Brothers: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect
Editors: Megan Rohrer & Zander Keig
In today's fast-paced world, the Internet can provide quick answers to personal questions. But when an individual raised by society to live, breathe, and look at the world with female eyes transitions to male, some of the most enlightening, helpful, and profound advice can only come in retrospect.